New Year Waltz?
decline melody <-> upward
Mi Re ↓ <-> Mi So Re ↑
Root - Melody
7, 9, 11?
Root - harmony 1 2 3
it starts from p, pp, then
New Year Waltz?
decline melody <-> upward
Mi Re ↓ <-> Mi So Re ↑
Root - Melody
7, 9, 11?
Root - harmony 1 2 3
it starts from p, pp, then
I practiced Op. 90-2 of Schubert...
After I played this improvisation, a phrase "please dance" came to me.
My piano teacher in my childhood (5 years old to high-school student) said "let's play this No. 2 and No.4 next" when I was 10 or 11 or 12 or I didn't remember but my fingers and hands were not so big as today. I thought they were like etudes of Czerny!!! I practiced them harder than other works because I didn't want to play them so long time/days and wanted to play another work soon.
I read again Schubert Impromptus.
I liked No.1 and No.3 which I have not played before.
I practiced No.3 and No. 4, too because I think now I might like them or not...
I began recording from No. 3 and No. 4, then No. 2 and No.1 at the last.
No. 1
So ----> Do Do ----> So So So So
not too dark, heavy, serious, but not light
something which includes many something come and go in a instance
taste, experiense slowly
multiple layers
a roof of a building, or
a step in a forest in a fantasy world, or
in a hall of a modern building, or
No. 3
not dark -> light, bright, lightly calm,
walk, swingging, humming, wind, grass, etc.
just play
Soprano-Bass, or Bass tones 5th, 8th, non-harmonized tone,
No. 4
I wanted to play it as it is not an etude of child.
chains (of necklace?)
clear/transparent glass/container
elegant dance
grass, wind
a little sad, actually very sad
The first time I play John Field.
In an era without phones and Internet, if I were far from my hometown, what would I think seeing the night sky.
John Field Nocturne No.7 フィールド ノクターン 第7番
The first time I play John Field.
I found this Listz transcription.
I first recorded Seconde in the system of my electric piano, then played Primo playing the Seconde to record in my recorder.
(Now I'm practicing one of Debussy's work which I have been playing for a long time.)
"dakara?" was come up to me after playing this improvisation.
The first time I played it (although it contained many mistakes maybe) is xx years ago when I entered university and joined one of piano clubs in the university.
After yy years, I started to learn classic piano again and lessoned it with my piano teacher who I had learned many years. The teacher was different from my teacher in my childhood since she had gone, she was an elder lady in my childhood.
I like playing it, though it is difficult.
whole tone
A13, A7 ♭13, A9 13
7th inner harmony
long bass, + V-I, IV-I, VII-I, ♭II-I,,,
Lydian (?) + ...
light, flexible,
waves, lights, winds,
the sun
trees, leaves,
move shoulder blades smoothly
a point/area between the shoulder blades
root chakra