Saturday, January 4, 2025

Satie Je te veux サティ ジュトゥヴ

 New Year Waltz?

decline melody <-> upward 

Mi Re ↓ <-> Mi So Re ↑

Root - Melody

7, 9, 11?

Root - harmony  1 2 3 

it starts from p, pp, then

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Schubert Impromptus シューベルト 即興曲 Op.90, D.899

My piano teacher in my childhood (5 years old to high-school student) said "let's play this No. 2 and No.4 next" when I was 10 or 11 or 12 or I didn't remember but my fingers and hands were not so big as today.  I thought they were like etudes of Czerny!!!  I practiced them harder than other works because I didn't want to play them so long time/days and wanted to play another work soon.


I read again Schubert Impromptus.

I liked No.1 and No.3 which I have not played before.

I practiced No.3 and No. 4, too because I think now I might like them or not...

I began recording from No. 3 and No. 4, then No. 2 and No.1 at the last.

No. 1

So ---->  Do Do  ---->  So So   So So

not too dark, heavy, serious, but not light 


something which includes many something come and go in a instance


taste, experiense slowly



multiple layers

a roof of a building, or

a step in a forest in a fantasy world, or

in a hall of a modern building, or  

However, in this recording, I thought nothing.  

emotions in the depth

tiny shining

melody changes, tones, harmonies
  atmospheres or followers change

alto then alto - soprano

D7/C -> C

No. 2



bass changes - tenor the same tone

long melody 
bass (tenor) - soprano

for example, bass mi re do with respect to soprano do re mi


wind, various winds?

No. 3

not dark -> light, bright, lightly calm,

walk, swingging, humming, wind, grass, etc.

just play 

Soprano-Bass, or Bass tones  5th, 8th, non-harmonized tone, 

No. 4

I wanted to play it as it is not an etude of child.





chains (of necklace?)

clear/transparent glass/container

elegant dance

grass, wind

big sacred hall


a little sad, actually very sad





Tuesday, October 22, 2024

John Field Nocturne フィールド ノクターン 


The first time I play John Field.

In an era without phones and Internet, if I were far from my hometown, what would I think seeing the night sky.

John Field  Nocturne No.7  フィールド ノクターン 第7番

right hand: light, warm, gentle,  stars,

left hand: melody thumb, a bit strong
"1" - 2 - "3"


repeat, continue, 
no (nearly no) intentions, just moved hands

John Field  Nocturne No.11  フィールド ノクターン 第11番

left hand: the same notes in 1 2 "3" 1 2 "3" 1 2 "3" 1 2 "3"
legato, non-legato, harmony, melody, 

right hand: light and stiff, or soft and heavy, or ,

hypnotic -> a bit emotional

long long ago

different world, setting, route,

John Field  Nocturne No.12  フィールド ノクターン 第12番

left hand: legato of non-legato

stars, stella,
the night in a country where I have not been to

When I replayed this recording by my electric piano with the speaker (without the headphone), my family was very sleepy and slept, and said "once more", I replayed it again, and then he slept again. 

John Fild, Listz transcription Nocturne No.5 four hands double recording フィールド=リスト編曲 ノクターン 第5番 連弾 二重録音


The first time I play John Field.

I found this Listz transcription.

I first recorded Seconde in the system of my electric piano, then played Primo playing the Seconde to record in my recorder.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

241012 improvisation so,then ... 即興 だから

 (Now I'm practicing one of Debussy's work which I have been playing for a long time.)

"dakara?" was come up to me after playing this improvisation.  

Friday, October 11, 2024

Debussy L'Isle joyeuse  ドビュッシー 喜びの島


The first time I played it (although it contained many mistakes maybe) is xx years ago when I entered university and joined one of piano clubs in the university.  

After yy years, I started to learn classic piano again and lessoned it with my piano teacher who I had learned many years.  The teacher was  different from my teacher in my childhood since she had gone, she was an elder lady in my childhood.  

I like playing it, though it is difficult.


 whole tone




A13,  A7 ♭13, A9 13

7th inner harmony

long bass, + V-I, IV-I, VII-I, ♭II-I,,,

Lydian (?) + ...

light, flexible, 

 waves, lights, winds, 

the sun

trees, leaves,


move shoulder blades smoothly

a point/area between the shoulder blades


root chakra