Tuesday, February 27, 2024

encounter 240227 improvisation 出会う 240227 即興

 Recently I meet with a white swan while walking in my neighborhood, residential area.

Although I imagined another entity while playing.

C Major + something

Friday, February 23, 2024

Mozart Sonata K.V.331 (no repeat) モーツァルト ソナタ K.V.331

The recordings of the 2nd and the 3rd movements were rejected "it might contain or be a copy of ...".  

I uploaded them



After I played Ravel, I though I should play Mozart.  

I didn't like Mozart so much when I learned them in my childhood. 

I read the music note again.  

I recorded it, heard how my electric piano sounded and changed how to use my fingers, the pedals, etc.  

V - I

5,  1 3 5,  1 5 + 3

f -  p 




approach notes

no tensions, 

but there are cases that tones are not harmonized each other other than technical ones, I felt

The 3rd movement, Turkey march, is very famous.  

I was bored. 

However, to write a song, a music piece, I think, some inspiration, impression, astonishment or etc. may need.    

The order of recording was the 2nd, the 3rd, and then the 1st.  

I played the 1st movement while listening mantras and sounds of the anime which my family was watching in the room after I took a bath to clean myself.  It is hard to concentrate, but that may be necessary because that is one of elements, conditions.




Saturday, February 17, 2024



feel by hands, skins, nose, ear, eye, etc.,

good vibration  or shiver, pains  

warm, refresh, cool or cold, muggy, sticky

light     or dark

high (hardly hear) sounds    or    low, middle noises

good scent, fragrant or unpleasant odor

Friday, February 16, 2024

Ravel Pavane pour une infante défunte  ラヴェル なき王女のためのパヴァーヌ

 Major ->  Minor .............  Major

7th, M7th, 9th, 13th, 



beat time,  

elegant,  long ago


females and males, princess and princes, 

feather, wing

Recall, remember, 

distant,  ago, 


Although it can't be heard, because I recorded it by my electric piano recording system, I play it while hearing "okyou" (sutra) to clean air in my room.  

I practiced the four hands version, although I didn't do double-recording of the 1st and 2nd piano because some timings were not matched.

(I wrote a short story (in Japanese only) being inspired by this work.) 

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Brahms Intermezzo Op. 117-1 ブラームス 間奏曲 Op. 117-1

Ring, bells, Recall, remember, -> Inner, Deeper, Far  -> Real, Now

I wrote a short story (in Japanese only).  

Debussy Clair de lune ドビュッシー 月の光


I like this work.  I play it differently each time I play it.  

(I inserted this recording in a short story (in Japanese only) which I wrote.)

Ravel  Sonatine  ラベル ソナチネ 

I first played this work after I become an adult.  My piano teacher recommended this work before playing Jeux d'eau which I wanted to play at a recital of the music school in Omotesandou.

"passione" is written in a part before 3/4 of the music sheet. 



I first played this work with my piano teacher at that time after I become an adult.

This time, I found many elements, items (motif, rhythm, etc.) which I didn't notice.

Further, I made sounds as carefully as I and my electric piano can.  

(I inserted this recording in a short story (in Japanese only) which I wrote.)

beat:  3,   5,   4
marque, anime, agite,   tranquille,     doux,

F#m? .......................... F#M+m?

wind, including air, joy, light, 
inorganic ball,  emotionless, emotion, express

I missed notes.  

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Rachmaninoff extract from 1st movement of 2nd Piano Concerto, ラフマニノフ ピアノ協奏曲第2番 第1楽章より抜粋

How to play melody smoothly, emotionally, etc., 

My hands are not so big.

Which tone is the bass,  Which tone of the left hand should be harmonized, 

How to proceed, 

If it is too fast, I can't play it.  If it is too big, my electric piano can't sound it.  

(I inserted this recording in a short story (in Japanese only) which I wrote.)

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Debussy Petite Suite ドビュッシー 小組曲


This was more difficult than Lullaby of Faure to play by myself.  In Lullaby of Faure, accompaniment parts and melody parts are divided.    

Many times I tried to record and play it.  Finally, I recorded the second part first and I played and recorded the first part while playing the second part. 

whole tone

(I inserted this recording in a short story (in Japanese only) which I wrote.)

First I recorded the Seconda part and next played the Prima part while listening the Seconda part.  I repeated that to adjust the Seconda and Prima parts.

In this recording, I could play the last note of Prima part just at the timing of the last note of the Second part which I played .  

3 degree, 4 degree

At first I played and recorded Prima of the prelude part and then Seconda because the first beat lacks in Seconda of the prelude part.  Next I played Seconda of the prelude part ane then Prima while listening the first recording.  
In practice, I recrded Prima first and then played Seconda, and I recorded Secoanda first and the played Prima.  I tried a several times.

Dorian?,  Lydian?,  minor,  Major.

First, I played and recorded Seconda of the almost parts and Prima of the last part of B and the start of A' because Seconda lacks the first beats.  Then, I played Prima of the almost parts and Seconda of that parts while listening the First recording.  

1 2 1 2 
1 2 3 4

1 2 3

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Faure Lullaby from Dolly Op.56 フォーレ ドリー組曲より 子守歌

First, I recorded the 2nd part in my electric piano.  Next, I connected my recorder to my electric piano to replay the 2nd part and play the 1st part.

This was the first time that I played it.  I practiced it and thought I learned something from Faure.

(I wrote a short story (in Japanese only) being inspired by this work.)