1. La candeur 素直な心
2. Arabesque アラベスク
3. Pastrale 牧歌
4. Petite réunion 子どもの集会
5. Innocence 無邪気
6. Progrès 進歩
7. Courant limpide 清い流れ
8. La graciense 優美
9. La chasse 狩猟
10. Tendre fleur やさしい花
11. La bergeronnette せきれい
12. Adieu さようなら
13. Consolation なぐさめ
14. La styrienne スティリアの女
15. Ballade バラード
16. Douce plainte 小さな嘆き
17. Babillarde おしゃべり
18. Inquiétude 心配
19. Ave Maria アベマリア
20. Tarentelle タランテラ
21. Harmonie des anges 天使の声
22. Barcarolle 舟歌
23. Retour 帰途
24. L'hirondelle つばめ
25. La chevaleresque 貴婦人の乗馬
I remembered my piano teacher in my childhood. She wore colorful clothes and had two electones and a upright piano. She played an electone lively in a class recital.
I played "Ballade" in a class recital. I practiced left hand parts, do si do so ra si, for more than several months. It was tough for a child. So I remembered.
Recently I opened the music book, and played them again. My hands are bigger, my fingers are longer than my childhood. Also I can understand meanings of each titles. I could not read Kanji and understand meaning of some titles in my childhood. Now I found many elements of music/piano techniques in the book. I could not understand them since I barely played in my childhood.