Friday, August 16, 2024

Satie Sonatine Bureaucratique サティ 官僚的なソナチネ

I  recently played "Sonatine" music book of my childhood.

I found this wokr of Satie, and I practiced.

I read English notes (above French notes) above music notes.

In the 1st movement, a man go to office.  He likes a lady, his penholder, his cuffs, his cap.  He strides and rushes at the stairs.  A wind.  He is happy in his chair.

In the 2nd movement, he reflects upon his promotion, etc.

In the 3rd movement, he hums a Pervian air.  A piano nearby plays Clementi.  Sad.  Walts.  The piano plays.  The pervian air.  Courage, he left the office.   




第3楽章では、ブルターニュで教えてもらったペルーの唄を思い出したようです。隣でピアノがクレメンティを弾いているようです。悲しい。ワルツがしたい。そして、勇気を出して、オフィスを後にします。(ただ出るのか、辞めるのか。少なくとも早退したのか。フランス語だとquit, 英語だとleaveが書いてあります。)

Clementi Sonatine Op. 36-1 クレメンティ ソナチネ

I played it after "Burgmüller" in my childhood.  I did not like "Sonatine" music book so much.  I opened the music book recently.  

How I practiced, for example,

I found a work of Satie.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Debussy Voiles from 12 Preludes 1ere Livre ドビュッシー 帆

 It is too hot now in Tokyo, in particular my room since the air-conditioner is not in good condition.  I imagined winds ...

Something trembling happened in the last week in Japan.  I do not follow the news now.  

Sail, wave, wind, to where, how fast/slow,  how rough/calm ...  

Today is 0808.  

sail, sail canvas

veil, head covering


whole tone

five tone, pentatonic

bass Si♭

dotted note

This time I played it as fantasy, illusion, meditative  rather than clear.

