Thursday, September 26, 2024

Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No.2 2nd movement ラフマニノフ ピアノ協奏曲 第2番 第2楽章

 In my childhood, my grand father and mother gave me a CD of Rachmaninoff Piano Concertos as a birthday present.  

I liked the 2nd piano concerto, however, I thought this is too too difficult and I would not have an opportunity to play it so I would not play it.

However, these years, I bought the music note and played it little by little.

I watched YouTube and found persons playing the 1st movement of the 2nd piano concerto by oneself.  

Then, I thought I can play the 2nd movement by myself. 

I played melody parts of orchestra by my left hand over my right hand playing piano parts.

The 100th track on my soundcloud.

Thank you for listening.

I, V

I, Ⅳ

nonchord tone - chord tone

harmony 3, 6, 8    + delay

chromatic, up

 leading tone

decline gradually

  chromatic, or  


 C   E   B(H)- 

       - B(H) A  G  D  B(H)  C#  A  B(H)-

    - E




tender, affectionate

deeper and broader

keep silent

 - this word came up to me though the music sounds ??

tanden, root chakra, more below


Monday, September 16, 2024

240912 improvisation into - move  即興


I'm practicing one of Rachmaninoff's work now.  

I didn't come up with a title.  After I listened the improvisation, I did an action, a little and daily one though, so I thought the title includes move.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Debussy Poissons d'or from Image Ⅱ 金色の魚 映像第2集より

 M3 + m3





gold fish (carp) or two gold fishes (carps), or more?

water surfaces, waves, whirls, etc.


I missed, shortened rests of right hand in the middle part though.  

都内の美術館のドビュッシーをテーマにした展示に行って、(これが金色の魚なのかぁ~)と、金粉で描かれた二匹の鯉(日本の絵、蒔絵? 本物ではなかったかも、拡大した画像だったかもしれない)を見たこともありました。