The first time I play John Field.
In an era without phones and Internet, if I were far from my hometown, what would I think seeing the night sky.
John Field Nocturne No.7 フィールド ノクターン 第7番
right hand: light, warm, gentle, stars,
left hand: melody thumb, a bit strong
"1" - 2 - "3"
repeat, continue,
no (nearly no) intentions, just moved hands
John Field Nocturne No.11 フィールド ノクターン 第11番
left hand: the same notes in 1 2 "3" 1 2 "3" 1 2 "3" 1 2 "3"
legato, non-legato, harmony, melody,
right hand: light and stiff, or soft and heavy, or ,
hypnotic -> a bit emotional
long long ago
different world, setting, route,
John Field Nocturne No.12 フィールド ノクターン 第12番
left hand: legato of non-legato
stars, stella,
the night in a country where I have not been to
When I replayed this recording by my electric piano with the speaker (without the headphone), my family was very sleepy and slept, and said "once more", I replayed it again, and then he slept again.